There is a huge difference between the kinds of dating before than today. The world changes from time to time and people try to adapt it not to be out of style. I believe that dating before is more sincere than now, when there is no cell phone to text your emotions but to speak it in front of your love. In time where you don’t have to say I love you in call but personally. You can feel the love and sincerity of the person. A London escorts beautiful girls shares her thoughts about the kind of dating now. It was a pleasure having a deep conversation with a London escorts. It was not a mistake booking a London escorts because they are not only beautiful but smart and good sense to talk. I belong to this generation where everything is through technology; I am a millennial while the London escorts I book are a xennials. She is born in 1980’s where she told me everything about her time. If you asked me if she is too old to be a London escorts, yes she is but you can’t see it through her look. She is a timeless beauty, and I like that she is the one I had. We share together what it feels like dating in our different generations.

In today’s world, everyone is dependent in technology. We send our love and regard through it, using social Medias to express our emotions in people. Most men show their love and appreciation to woman by following her in all social media accounts and send her a warmth message about his feelings. And then if they have a mutual understanding, the conversation continues until agreed to meet up. In today’s dating we are more focus on online games than sharing a time with your lover. Even if you are together, one of you has its all attention to cell phone and speaks less. You fool people how sweet you are to each other by posting sweet photos of yours, but the entire date is boring and a mess. People become so pretending in order to be famous, you neglected your partner trying to show the world what you are not.

While a London escorts give her thoughts on her time, she said that the way she sees dating now a days is not the same before. When a man is in love with a woman, he asked first his parents if he can court their daughter as a sigh of respect says a London escorts. Men usually visited in the house of girl than on other places. London escorts says that usually men before always get the trust of the parents first before he can go around the woman. According to London escorts dating before is romantic, a man always give his time to his woman and focus only to her. He sang to his woman and gives her a flower to show his love. Man and woman are always expressive about their feelings before.