Setting aside my pride was the most brilliant idea I have ever had. It made my relationship so much easier. It turns out that pride was the only reason why I’m not doing well with my girlfriend. She was delighted with me because finally, she told me that I was starting to be comfortable with showing vulnerability towards her. Showing a girl that you trust her is such a big thing to them I don’t know why but it always puts a smile on their faces if you show them trust.

In the past, my relationship with my longtime girlfriend was very chaotic. It was mostly fights and heartache. So much so that we already had almost broken up for the sixth time already. Can’t help myself to be happy with the improvements that we have accomplished. We finally have time for each other again which in the past rarely happens. All we do is hurt each other always. It was a toxic environment for both of us, and I’m glad that it’s over now. My girlfriend starts her day angry at me typically, but now she smiles at me every morning. And that is a very good thing. My mother and father are very proud of me because in the past they think that my relationship wound recover work.

Thankfully they were wrong; my life was starting to stabilize including my work. I’m always at a good mood when I talk to clients and my boss which in the past I struggled a lot with. But all of a sudden my girlfriend told me the news that would change both of our lives. She is going away for a while. She has just been offered a great opportunity, but the catch is she is not going to be able to return home for a year which is very devastating to hear. Even though she told me that she doesn’t want to go, I know that she has the opportunity to change her life for the better and to turn it down was foolish so I slowly encouraged her to take the job.

She was anxious about me because she thinks that we were not going to be able to hold on to each other especially for over a year. I made her a promise that I will always stay strong no matter what. But the truth is I was also scared for our relationship. I put on a show for her to make her believe that I was okay with it. For over a year we held on to each other, but the thing that helped me a lot was London Escorts. Girls at London Escorts Agency were the one who was there in my lonely nights. Thankfully my girlfriend is okay with me booking London Escorts when she is away.