My boyfriend and I had a bit of row a couple of weeks back, and all of a sudden he hit me. I had never been hit by a man before and it really upset me. My friends at the best London escorts website said that I should not see my boyfriend anymore, but it is a big step to take. We have been together for four years, and had a good time together. However, I am not sure that this relationship is for me anymore, and I can’t even bring myself to have sex with my boyfriend.

The fact is that he totally turns me off now, and I don’t know how to get around it. Sure, he is still an attractive and good looking guy, but the fact that he hit makes me want to be physically sick. When I was a little girl, my dad used to hit my mom and now I feel that I am in the same boat. I am spending more time working for London escorts than ever before, and I know that he knows that things are not right. After all I used to love to come home from London escorts and give him a hug.

If I wanted to leave this guy, I know that I can count on the support of my London escorts friends. Even a couple of the gentlemen I date at London escorts know what happened as I was so upset the days following the incident. They are encouraging me to leave him, but it is hard. I keep trying to convince myself that he is not going to hit me again, but like the other girls at London escorts say, it often happens more than once, and I am afraid that I have to agree with them.

I know from my mom’s experience that once a guy has hit you, it will happen again. When she kicked my dad out, she ended up in another abusive relationship and it was like it all started again. I am not going to spend the rest of my life living in fear of my partner, so I think I am going to bail out of this relationship. The boss at the London escorts service I work for has offered to come and chuck him out and make sure that the locks are changed. It is my flat and I don’t think I want him there anymore.

It is going to be tough, but sometimes you just have to let go. I feel a little bit stronger now than I did a week ago, and I think I am ready to let go. It is not going to be easy but I am planning on spending plenty of time with the girls from London escorts and find a new hobby. I may even take some time off from London escorts and take a little holiday with my mom. She does not know I work for a London escorts service, but I have a feeling that she will understand about my boyfriend and help me to cope with the way I feel at the moment. There is nothing like mom when you feel a bit down in the dumps.